2023-10-01 -至今奇遇Adventure工作室联合创始人&CEO
2022-09-09 - 广东东软学院软件工程本科
广东东软学院-英国西英格兰大学4+0双学位本科,软件工程专业在读,中方成绩:加权3.8 ;英方成绩:73%,一等学位,均分年级第一;有三个科研成果(图像识别, AI,NLP);

In developing the core functionality of the UniHub platform, I took on the significant responsibility of implementing the user management system, the group system, and the activity system. For the user management system, I designed a robust authentication framework that utilizes session-based authentication, role-based access control for students and administrators, and password security through bcrypt encryption. My implementation ensures secure user registration through thorough duplicate username verification, a reliable login system through comprehensive session management, complete profile management through CRUD operations, and sophisticated role-based access control. I developed Groups to be able to create public as well as private groups for different group types, including sports, study, hobby and university clubs. I implemented comprehensive member management features, including seamless join/exit operations, as well as group privacy controls and member monitoring features. The Events system features include the creation of events with comprehensive category management capabilities, precise participant restriction handling, and comprehensive event scheduling with date/time validation. I paid particular attention to implementing public/private activity visibility based on group privacy settings to ensure activity access was a perfect fit with group privacy controls. The boundary tests I implemented verified the robustness of the system. In terms of user authentication, my tests confirmed the effectiveness of null username/password authentication, username duplicate checking, session authentication, and role-based access control. On the group and event side, I successfully validated group privacy checks, event participant validation, group type validation, and event category validation. Especially about the bug checking part, in the process of doing WDA, I encountered very many bugs, including but not limited to naming issues, in the functional development of groups and events, there was a problem that the modal box could not be closed, and I was never able to solve it, and later Mr. Khoa helped me to find this imperceptible error for closeModel appeared Naming error, this let me learn a lot, for a function of the problem, should be printed before and after its entry into the program log information, if everything does not work, then there may really be a naming conflict .... This is still hard to find, at the same time in the beginning of the development of the group function, I would like to design for the group-based privacy control in the user side can only see all the activities out of the public group, but due to the beginning of the role-based access control model is not very perfect, resulting in the user side in the privacy group can not see its corresponding activities.

(1) 利用计算机视觉技术和图像处理算法来自动识别铝棒通过对铝棒的图像进行采集和分析,框选出视频或图像中所有的铝棒并进行准确计数。 (2) 基于*小程序平台,为用户提供简单便利的接口,将用户上传的视频或图片进行实时的识别与计数。 引入智能化、自动化技术极大地提高铝棒识别和分类的效率,并减少错误和延误的风险。这将有助于提高制造和建筑行业的生产效率,并提供更可靠的产品质量保证。同时,自动化技术还能减轻人工操作的负担,释放人力资源,使其可以更好地应用于其他重要的工作领域。 在技术层面上,YOLOv8的引入需要对铝厂的生产流程、产品设计、制造工艺、设备配置等进行全面的重新规划及升级优化,将传统的分散式转变为集中式计数,将小规模扩展为大规模识别,从而提高生产效率和质量;引入物联网技术对传统重工型的产品重新规划,将传统的单一产品转变为智能化、可定制化的产品,可打包集销,从而提高产品的附加值。