邓锐,本科毕业于西北工业大学,后于湖南大学完成硕博连读,取得博士学位,在硕博连读期间,曾以联合培养博士生身份于美国佐治亚理工大学进行了一年交流学习,后作为博士后研究员于香港中文大学信息工程系进行深造。另外,读博期间曾参与多项科研及产品项目。技术方向上在软硬件方面均有涉猎,现熟悉FPGA逻辑编程、python编程与AI、PCB设计与板级信号仿真等三类技术,在此基础上,申请了多项软件著作权,并且取得了首批国家认证的CEAC板级信号仿真工程师证书。此外,曾为多项国际知名杂志担任过专业审稿工作,如,《Journal of Lightwave Technology》,《Opitcs Express》,《Applied Optics》, 《Optical Communications》, 以及《IEEE Photonics Journal》 等等。如今,在研方向为基于FPGA的实时光通信系统与面向光通信系统的机器学习技术。个人研究成果如下:目前,已发表论文65篇,包括1篇《Chinese Optics letters》邀请稿,5篇光通信领域顶级会议文章,14篇为主要作者的SCI期刊论文,被引450次+;完成了1项专利及3项软件著作权的申请;并撰写了一部专著《面向新一代光接入网的实时系统及若干DSP技术实验研究集》。
华为工作期间,作为team leader,统一管理80xx/22xx项目离线领域工作,持续把控各项目风险、整体计划与进度,保障城域400G 80xx芯片一版成功、22xx python算法平台交付;管理升级相干模块自标定损伤平台,交付新一代DMB标定平台,助力模块竞争力进一步提升,交付python自动化测试平台,助力团队工作效率提升15%+;主导负责80xx芯片离线领域工作,支撑算法项目交付过点TR3,助力突破400G超长距技术、DMB商用及super channel落地,技术与品牌竞争力构建目标达成,交付DCC标定硬化方案,达成现网首例
2019-11-04 -2023-02-06华为技术有限公司高级工程师
华为工作期间,作为team leader,统一管理80xx/22xx项目离线领域工作,持续把控各项目风险、整体计划与进度,保障城域400G 80xx芯片一版成功、22xx python算法平台交付;管理升级相干模块自标定损伤平台,交付新一代DMB标定平台,助力模块竞争力进一步提升,交付python自动化测试平台,助力团队工作效率提升15%+;主导负责80xx芯片离线领域工作,支撑算法项目交付过点TR3,助力突破400G超长距技术、DMB商用及super channel落地,技术与品牌竞争力构建目标达成,交付DCC标定硬化方案,达成现网首例模块老化解决方案,助力交付非线性补偿PBC方案,助力400G传输距离增加~10%,达成400G超长距能力构建。
2018-11-01 -2019-11-04香港中文大学博士后研究助理
从事学术研究 面向光通信研究 光无线通信 毫米波通信 摄像头视觉感知、通感一体化
2013-09-01 - 2018-12-25湖南大学计算机科学与技术博士
超高速毫米波实时毫米波OFDM调制解调系统 We experimentally demonstrate a heterodyne W-band fiber-wireless system using a twin single-side-band orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (Twin-SSB-OFDM) transmission scheme with low-cost electrical filters. The transmission scheme is proposed to halve the required sampling rate of the baseband receiver. Moreover, since the W-band signal generation is based on optical heterodyne with non-ideal laser sources, there is a time-varying carrier frequency offset (CFO) in the system. To mitigate the CFO effect and simultaneously realize down-conversion, a blind carrier recovery method is proposed and validated in the system. The experimental results show that after 22-km SSMF transmission and 1-m wireless transmission, the system can achieve a 40.07 Gb/s data rate with a bit-error-ratio (BER) below 3.8 × 10-3 when using a two-channel 12-GSa/s arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) as transmitter and two emulated 12-GSa/s baseband receivers. In addition, by setting the AWG at 5-GSa/s and using a 5-GSa/s real-time field programmable gate array (FPGA)-based receiver, an additional experiment is carried out by implementing the proposed method in the real-time receiver. Although the frequency swing of the intermediate frequency (IF) carrier of the received signal is up to ~300 MHz, the system can also achieve a relatively stable transmission performance. The additional experiment further verifies the effectiveness and practical feasibility of the proposed carrier recovery method and the Twin-SSB-OFDM transmission scheme.
面向激光可见光通信的实时OFDM系统,1000Mbps全双工 An SFO estimation method based on simple training symbols is proposed in real-time OFDM system. By using the SFO estimation scheme, we implement an asynchronous software configurable real-time VLLC-OFDM system, and experimentally demonstrate an HD-SDI Video transmission over the system.