我毕业于电子科技大学,担任过宽怡科技服务 (珠海) 有限公司的高级程序员
负责Ricoh,ACP项目的开发,以及带领团队开发AegisInsight 项目,以及该项目的部署
熟练使用前端React MaterialUI 以及后端 JAVA Spring Boot
2019-02-01 -至今宽怡科技服务 (珠海) 有限公司高级后端工程师
以从事软件和信息技术服务业为主 负责前后端开发,以及部分项目部署。 负责部分Android开发
2016-09-01 - 2019-06-01电子科技大学软件开发专科
Project Summary: The Backoffice Admin Portal is a centralized web application to support the daily administration and operation needs for both Netmember and Mobile Applications. This application consists of the following main modules: Dashboard User Maintenance Workgroup Maintenance Inactive User Maintenance Host Owner Maintenance Compliance Status Maintenance Security Patch Maintenance Security Patch Exclusion Maintenance Project technology: 1. Front-end:React.js, Material-UI 2. Back-end:Spring Boot, Spring Security, MySql, JPA 3. Report: Crystal Report
Project Summary: The project is a web-based system that integrates Keycloak for login,Grafana for real-time monitoring of servers,and setting alarms This application consists of the following main modules: 1. Dashboard 2. Setting 3. About 4. Logout Project technology: 1. Front-end:Next.js React 2. Back-end:Spring Boot, MySql Keycloak Grafana