meSpeak.js (speak.js增强版)是一个100%纯客户端JavaScript实现的TTS库,基于speak.js开发,在其基础上增加对Webkit和Safari浏览器的支持,引入了可加载的语音模块。
meSpeak.loadConfig("mespeak_config.json");meSpeak.loadVoice('en-us.json');meSpeak.speak('hello world');meSpeak.speak('hello world', { option1: value1, option2: value2 .. });meSpeak.speak('hello world', { option1: value1, option2: value2 .. }, myCallback);var id = meSpeak.speak('hello world');meSpeak.stop(id);meSpeak.speak( text [, { option1: value1, option2: value2 .. } [, callback ]] );text: The string of text to be spoken. The text may contain line-breaks ("\n") and special characters. Default text-encoding is UTF-8 (see the option "utf16" for other).options (eSpeak command-options):* amplitude: How loud the voice will be (default: 100)* pitch: The voice pitch (default: 50)* speed: The speed at which to talk (words per minute) (default: 175)* voice: Which voice to use (default: last voice loaded or defaultVoice, see below)* wordgap: Additional gap between words in 10 ms units (default: 0)* variant: One of the variants to be found in the eSpeak-directory "~/espeak-data/voices/!v" Variants add some effects to the normally plain voice, e.g. notably a female tone. Valid values are: "f1", "f2", "f3", "f4", "f5" for female voices "m1", "m2", "m3", "m4", "m5", "m6, "m7" for male voices "croak", "klatt", "klatt2", "klatt3", "whisper", "whisperf" for other effects. (Using eSpeak, these would be appended to the "-v" option by "+" and the value.) Note: Try "f2" or "f5" for a female voice.* linebreak: (Number) Line-break length, default value: 0.* capitals: (Number) Indicate words which begin with capital letters. 1: Use a click sound to indicate when a word starts with a capital letter, or double click if word is all capitals. 2: Speak the word "capital" before a word which begins with a capital letter. Other values: Increases the pitch for words which begin with a capital letter. The greater the value, the greater the increase in pitch. (eg.: 20)* punct: (Boolean or String) Speaks the names of punctuation characters when they are encountered in the text. If a string of characters is supplied, then only those listed punctuation characters are spoken, eg. { "punct": ".,;?" }.* nostop: (Boolean) Removes the end-of-sentence pause which normally occurs at the end of the text.* utf16: (Boolean) Indicates that the input is UTF-16, default: UTF-8.* ssml: (Boolean) Indicates that the text contains SSML (Speech Synthesis Markup Language) tags or other XML tags. (A small set of HTML is supported too.)further options (meSpeak.js specific):* volume: Volume relative to the global volume (number, 0..1, default: 1) Note: the relative volume has no effect on the export using option 'rawdata'.* rawdata: Do not play, return data only. The type of the returned data is derived from the value (case-insensitive) of 'rawdata': - 'base64': returns a base64-encoded string. - 'mime': returns a base64-encoded data-url (including the MIME-header). (synonyms: 'data-url', 'data-uri', 'dataurl', 'datauri') - 'array': returns a plain Array object with uint 8 bit data. - default (any other value): returns the generated wav-file as an ArrayBuffer (8-bit unsigned). Note: The value of 'rawdata' must evaluate to boolean 'true' in order to be recognized.* log: (Boolean) Logs the compiled eSpeak-command to the JS-console.callback: An optional callback function to be called after the sound output ended. The callback will be called with a single boolean argument indicating success. If the resulting sound is stopped by meSpeak.stop(), the success-flag will be set to false.Returns:* if called with option rawdata: a stream in the requested format (or null, if the required resources have not loaded yet).* default: a 32bit integer ID greater than 0 (or 0 on failure). The ID may be used to stop this sound by calling meSpeak.stop(<id>).if (meSpeak.isVoiceLoaded('de')) meSpeak.setDefaultVoice('de');// note: the default voice is always the the last voice loadedmeSpeak.loadVoice('fr.json', userCallback);// userCallback is an optional callback-handler. The callback will receive two arguments:// * a boolean flag for success// * either the id of the voice, or a reason for errors ('network error', 'data error', 'file error')alert(meSpeak.getDefaultVoice()); // 'fr'if (meSpeak.isConfigLoaded()) meSpeak.speak('Configuration data has been loaded.');// note: any calls to speak() will be deferred, if no valid config-data has been loaded yet.meSpeak.setVolume(0.5);meSpeak.setVolume( volume [, id-list] );Sets a volume level (0 <= v <= 1)* if called with a single argument, the method sets the global playback-volume, any sounds currently playing will be updated immediately with respect to their relative volume (if specified).* if called with more than a single argument, the method will set and adjust the relative volume of the sound(s) with corresponding ID(s).Returns: the volume provided.alert(meSpeak.getVolume()); // 0.5meSpeak.getVolume( [id] );Returns a volume level (0 <= v <= 1)* if called without an argument, the method returns the global playback-volume.* if called with an argument, the method will return the relative volume of the sound with the ID corresponding to the first argument. if no sound with a corresponding ID is found, the method will return 'undefined'.var browserCanPlayWavFiles = meSpeak.canPlay(); // test for compatibility// export speech-data as a stream (no playback):var myUint8Array = meSpeak.speak('hello world', { 'rawdata': true }); // typed arrayvar base64String = meSpeak.speak('hello world', { 'rawdata': 'base64' });var myDataUrl = meSpeak.speak('hello world', { 'rawdata': 'data-url' });var myArray = meSpeak.speak('hello world', { 'rawdata': 'array' }); // simple array// playing cached streams (any of the export formats) stream [, relativeVolume [, callback]] );var stream1 = meSpeak.speak('hello world', { 'rawdata': true });var stream2 = meSpeak.speak('hello again', { 'rawdata': true });var stream3 = meSpeak.speak('hello yet again', { 'rawdata': 'data-url' });; // using global, 0.75); // 75% of global; // v.1.4.2: play data-urls or base64-encodedvar id =;meSpeak.stop(id);Arguments:stream: A stream in any of the formats returned by with the "rawdata"-option.volume: (optional) Volume relative to the global volume (number, 0..1, default: 1)callback: (optional) A callback function to be called after the sound output ended. The callback will be called with a single boolean argument indicating success. If the sound is stopped by meSpeak.stop(), the success-flag will be set to false. (See also: meSpeak.speak().)Returns: A 32bit integer ID greater than 0 (or 0 on failure). The ID may be used to stop this sound by calling meSpeak.stop(<id>).meSpeak.stop( [<id-list>] );Stops the sound(s) specified by the id-list.If called without an argument, all sounds currently playing, processed, or queued are stopped.Any callback(s) associated to the sound(s) will return false as the success-flag.Arguments:id-list: Any number of IDs returned by a call to meSpeak.speak() or number (integer) of sounds actually stopped.