- Worked as a co-first author in this paper that is under review by Computers in Biology andMedicine- Designed a novel rotation-invariant image feature and Triz demonstrated the effectiveness onboth the rotation invariance and the lesion detection of three gastric lesion types- Achieved 87.0% in the four-class classification problems of the three gastric lesion types and thenormal controls, averaged over the twenty random runs of 10-fold cross validations声明:本文仅代表作者观点,不代表本站立场。如果侵犯到您的合法权益,请联系我们删除侵权资源!如果遇到资源链接失效,请您通过评论或工单的方式通知管理员。未经允许,不得转载,本站所有资源文章禁止商业使用运营!
