我是程序员客栈的【RedToBlack 】,一名【交互设计师 】; 我毕业于【新南威尔士大学】,担任过【中国邮电器材深圳公司海南分公司】的【产品经理】,担任过【华意明天(上海)文化创意有限发展公司】的【视觉设计师】; 负责过【度晓晓情感化感知的设计方案】的开发; 熟练使用【Adobe Illustrator】,【Adobe Photoshop】,【Adobe XD】,【Figma】,【Xmind】,【用户研究 - 定性,定量,用户画像,用户旅程】; 如果我能帮上您的忙,请点击“立即预约”或“发布需求”!
2022-03-01 -2022-08-31中国邮电器材深圳公司海南分公产品经理
数据分析:产品,市场数据分析,通过数据分析制定可行方案,并得出趋势性结论,并对产品策略进行调整 市场分析:需求收集与分析,从多种渠道了解用户需求、竞品动态与市场趋势,制定产品路线与迭代计划 方案策划:负责华为产品Freelace 2海南省上市商业化PPT方案策划,制定合理项目管理方案 部门对接:与华为终端BG销售部海南代表处对接,负责穿戴,音频,平板产品。同时公司内部与销售部门,市 场部门,运营部,业管部进行多部门协同合同,研究用户需求,指定商业计划,统筹各部门进行方案执行
2021-12-01 -2022-02-28华意明天(上海)文化创意有限发展公视觉设计师
新媒体公众号排版设计(Hardcandy);社交媒体用图制作;GIF,动效动画制作;宣传活动物料制 作(海报,展板);方案PPT设计优化
2021-03-01 - 2022-01-01新南威尔士大学艺术设计硕士
2015-03-01 - 2020-12-01新南威尔士大学景观设计本科
Burnout Treatment, Relieve Stress My project focus on the mental health issue, burnout and try to solve this problem to improve public health condition and ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for people. Basically, the reason for burnout comes from the stress in daily life. Based on that, I consider use music therapy to relieve stress, besides combining it with holography to make the music become a visual thing to increase the efficiency of music therapy and this product is a hologram projector. The existing hologram projector is too big and heavy, so I consider so redesign the hologram projector on the smartphone. Next, consider the target user most are young people who are familiar with smartphones, so I try to consider design a hologram music therapy app combine with the hologram projector to make it more convenient and portable.