2017-06-01 -至今宏利金融高级后端工程师
在公司主要负责保险系统的维护和用户需求的开发。目前正在参与系统大版本升级,以前的系统主要是用oracle提供的中间件平台现在要完成云化采用 micro service + postgreSQL 的架构
2002-09-01 - 2006-06-30成都信息工程大学信息与计算科学本科

Amazing-QR Overview Contents Examples Install Usage Terminal Way Import Way Tips Supported Characters Environment License Terminal Way (TIPS: If you haven't install amzqr, you should python(3) amzqr.py instead of amzqr blow.) # summary amzqr Words [-v {1,2,3,...,40}] [-l {L,M,Q,H}] [-n output-filename] [-d output-directory] [-p picture_file] [-c] [-con contrast] [-bri brightness] see Common QR-Code for Words, -v, -l, -n, -d see Artistic QR-Code for -p, -c, -con, -bri see Animated GIF QR-Code about GIF

Superset provides: A no-code interface for building charts quickly A powerful, web-based SQL Editor for advanced querying A lightweight semantic layer for quickly defining custom dimensions and metrics Out of the box support for nearly any SQL database or data engine A wide array of beautiful visualizations to showcase your data, ranging from simple bar charts to geospatial visualizations Lightweight, configurable caching layer to help ease database load Highly extensible security roles and authentication options An API for programmatic customization A cloud-native architecture designed from the ground up for scale