能纯熟运用SQL, Python和Matlab对各维度的气候或气象数据进行提炼, 处理, 及应用。
有深厚的地理信息系统 (GIS)知识及技术, 善于对各维度的空间数据建立合适的分析架构。
有地理信息系统 (GIS)知识及技术教授经验。
2022-12-05 -2023-12-04Shenzhen Meteorological Service Co., Ltd.Data Scientist
Professional on weather predictions and observations with data insights by working with large volumes of structured and unstructured weather data, processed using knowledge of data analysis, data wrangling, data mining, visualization, statistical analysis, and predictive analytics.
2021-09-01 -2022-08-31Lay-Out Planning Consultants Co., Ltd.Data Analyst
Professional on creating, managing, analyzing, and visualizing all type of data. Connecting data to map, integrating location data with all types of descriptive information for spatial analysis to support city planning.
2020-01-02 -2021-05-31Esri China (Hong Kong)GIS Analyst
Having specific knowledge of the computer operating system, GIS software and its applications, GIS concepts, and database and application design principles. On-hand with a basic understanding of the data, functions, and tasks that the GIS applications will support.
2017-08-21 -2019-08-01Southern Illinois UniversityGraduate Research Assistant
Investigating heat waves and droughts in the United States, and sub-seasonal to seasonal prediction capabilities of climate forecast models.
2017-08-21 - 2019-08-01Southern Illinois University, CarbondaleGeography and Environmental Resources硕士
Advisor: Dr. Trent Ford Thesis: North American Heat Wave Predictability: Skill Attribution and Land Surface Initialization in Medium-range
2012-08-20 - 2017-05-19Western Kentucky UniversityMeteorology本科
利用Python建立数据分析模型,利用气象台嘅雷达数据进行数据清洗,统计分析及可视化,于不同型号嘅雷达进行数据质素对比,借此挖掘改善雷达数据准确度嘅方法。 为改善数据质素,有助更精准有效地使用合适数据作为气象观察,研究,同分析基石。
利用Python建立一数据分析模型,利用气象台的微雨数据进行数据清洗, 统计分析及可视化, 与滑动降水数据进行质量对比, 藉此评估微雨观测仪器的准确度。 为改善数据质量, 有助更精准有效地使用合适数据作为气象观察, 研究, 和分析基石。