我是程序员客栈的【Ryan669】,一名【软件开发工程师】; 我毕业于【成都信息工程大学】,担任过【成都恒视通科技有限公司】的【软件开发工程师】,担任过【武侯区编程之美软件开发工作室】的【CEO】; 负责过【元寰数藏】,【视频会议网关服务】,【freepbx协同管理服务】的开发; 熟练使用【C++】,【Go】,【C】,【Bash】,【Python】; 如果我能帮上您的忙,请点击“立即预约”或“发布需求”!
2015-09-09 - 2019-06-30成都信息工程大学微电子科学与工程本科
项目功能包含藏品售卖,上链,寄售市场,转赠,我的卡包,我的钱包,第三方支付,盲盒,合成,抽奖等等 系统采用docker部署,便于管理和维护,有定时清理脚本,完善的平台功能
The British mathematician John Horton Conway devised a cellular automaton named ‘The Game of Life’. The game resides on a 2-valued 2D matrix, i.e. a binary image, where the cells can either be ‘alive’ (pixel value 255 - white) or ‘dead’ (pixel value 0 - black). The game evolution is determined by its initial state and requires no further input. Every cell interacts with its eight neighbour pixels: cells that are horizontally, vertically, or diagonally adjacent. At each matrix update in time the following transitions may occur to create the next evolution of the domain: - any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies - any live cell with two or three live neighbours is unaffected - any live cell with more than three live neighbours dies - any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours becomes alive