2014-07-01 -2015-07-31Millennium PharmaceuticalsSoftware Engineer
1. NexGenOmics Platform Project • The goals of this platform include the support of biomarker research and target identification for first-in-class drug discovery research in Oncology. • Designing, building, maintaining, supporting, and further developing the interdisciplinary next generation of Omics platform involves further developing the NexGenOmics data-mining application, Oracle database and database-querying application for the purpose of organizing, storing and reporting experimental ge
2014-01-01 -2014-06-30GenzymeBioinfomatician
1. Genetics and Genomics Tool Box Project • Utilize Pipeline Pilot to automate disease genetic information query and enrichment analysis by integrating MetaBase, R statistical methods and Network computational methods analysis for rare disease study o Batch Knowledge retrieval from MetaBase and other in-house databases o MetaBase R script library for functional analysis o CBDD (Computational Biology Methods for Drug Discovery) analysis algorithms • MetaBase is an Oracle database with more than
2012-04-01 - 2014-07-31Northeastern UniversityBioinformatics硕士