2020-08-26 -2021-09-03滴滴出行高级算法工程师
Developed and designed the graph structure and applied the graph traversal algorithm to generate geofences of carpool operation, which improved the match rate by 0.6 pp or 10% and decreased receipt payment ratio (rpr) by 0.3 pp • Designed a graph-rnn algorithm based on xgboost algorithm, which classified orders into good and bad categories, to predict the degree of each order as a recall condition to optimize the rpr by 0.3 pp • Explored multiple strategies of driver’s picking up allowance inclu
2019-07-14 -2020-05-24CMUResearch Assistant
Designed and developed OGCNN algorithm for material property prediction of Perovskite and Lanthanide alloys, achieved 94% improvement in MAEs of prediction for formation energy, 85% for bandgap, and 71% for fermi energy compared to MIT CGCNN algorithm in 2018 and submitted a paper on Physics Review Letter Journal
2019-01-01 -2019-06-20Lifeware LabsBioinformatics Machine Learning Researcher
• Developed Android app to plot and calculate Respiratory Rate from vibration sensor data in real time with Android Studio • Implemented peak-finder function for data stream for RR computing in Java with considerations of memory
2017-08-23 - 2018-12-19Carnegie Mellon UniversityMaster of Science in Civil and Environmental Engin硕士
Selected Coursework: Machine Learning (PhD A), Convex Optimization, Stochastic Process, Advanced Graph Theory, Intermediate Statistics, Deep

Designed and developed OGCNN algorithm for material property prediction of Perovskite and Lanthanide alloys, achieved 94% improvement in MAEs of prediction for formation energy, 85% for bandgap, and 71% for fermi energy compared to MIT CGCNN algorithm in 2018 and submitted a paper on Physics Review Letter Journal

To effectively identify patients who may/may not be at risk for one or more postoperative complications in a dynamic, real-time setting, and generalize the detection to different types of surgeries, rather than an Early Warning Score [15] focusing on very specific complications, we propose to use pre-, intra- and post-surgery data to make interpretable risk predictions about who is likely to have complications, which complications may occur, and when in the postoperative setting.